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What is Cold Storage?

Video 1 Hot vs cold storage – this video shows the difference:

Managing content

Video 2 How to manage your storage:

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Controlled vocabulary and metadata are important terms to consider when implementing a DAM as they define how your users will search and retrieve...

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The colour profile determines how the colours captured by the camera will be displayed in an image. Does your DAM system record this information when...

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When browsing for files, select the category you want and open its container. The Filters tab will be on the left under the category/container header.

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To edit metadata for multiple files at once you need to select the files you want to add the metadata to. And click “edit”.

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If you’re tasked with designing and implementing a DAM Image Library within your workplace, there are simple steps you can take during the early...

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While Collection Management Systems (CMS) and Digital Asset Management (DAM) solutions complement each other quite well, when two systems need to...

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DAMs, GLAMs and Collection Management

When you work in an industry for quite some time, it’s easy to start talking in acronyms and code. In our...

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