Digital asset management (DAM) for Small Business

Best DAM solution for small business owners in Australia and New Zealand 

Get Digital Asset Management (DAM)



DAM is a game-changer for a small business

It empowers small businesses to punch above their weight.


- Streamlining workflows
- Ensuring brand consistency
- Ensuring compliance
- Enhancing collaboration

In our 30+ years in DAM industry, we've had the privilege of witnessing firsthand how Digital Asset Management (DAM) can be a game-changer for a small business. While you might be able to get away using the free cloud storage options, such as Dropbox or Google Drive to store your digital files and brand assets, it is important to note that these tools have limitations.

As your business expands, teams multiply, and your brand presence scales, the limitations of these free solutions become evident. Eventually, you'll reach a point where transitioning to a solid Digital Asset Management (DAM) software becomes not just a choice but a necessity for your small business's sustained growth and efficient asset management.

It's not just about saving time and resources; it's about seizing opportunities and scaling for success. Why digital asset management is important?

Core Challenges Small Businesses Face

1. Content Overload

In today's digital age, no event or update is complete without a deluge of photos or videos. Whether it's marketing campaigns, social media posts, or even internal communications, the proliferation of digital content is undeniable.

2. Regulatory Requirements

While some digital assets are critical for compliance with ISO standards and health and safety protocols, others seem unimportant. This creates confusion about what to store and what to discard.

3. Content Accessibility

Despite accumulating digital assets, they are often hard to locate and utilize effectively, leading to redundant efforts and project delays.

4. Infrastructure Strain

With a surge in digital content, the IT department faces immense pressure to update and maintain the existing infrastructure, which is a costly affair.

5. Video Content

The advent of video marketing has exponentially increased the size and complexity of the digital assets in question.

The DAM Solution

By adopting DAM, not only can you mitigate legal risks and ease the workflow among different departments, but you can also significantly lower operational costs.

A DAM system is much like your existing asset management software, but it's designed to manage digital assets. Here's why it's necessary:

Centralised Repository: All digital assets are stored in one place, making them easy to locate.

Robust Security: Enhanced security features, including backup and privacy, are integrated.

Streamlined Operations: Features like submission, approval, and sharing are simplified for the marketing team.

Legal Compliance: Ownership and licensing information are easily traceable, reducing the risk of legal issues.

How DAM impacts small businesses

Marketing Team

Imagine your marketing department running like a well-oiled machine, streamlined, and turbocharged for efficiency.

Adopting a DAM for small business changes the game for your marketing team in several meaningful ways:

  1. Ease of Content Delivery: No more shuffling through photographers' Dropbox accounts or random email attachments. The content is uploaded directly to your DAM, streamlining the review and approval process.
  2. Customised Sharing Portals: These can be set up in-house but have the polish of being professionally built. This keeps your branding consistent and enables easy access for different stakeholders, from sales teams to external designers to the media.
  3. Enhanced Productivity: Integrating with existing software suites like Adobe, a DAM system provides a seamless workflow. Designers can work more efficiently, storing work-in-progress privately until they're ready for review.
  4. Video Capabilities: The DAM isn't just for static assets. Its advanced video capabilities allow you to pivot to a more dynamic marketing strategy effortlessly.

If you’re still hesitant to make the leap, consult with your marketing team. The utility and productivity gains offered by a DAM system can revolutionize how you manage digital assets and execute marketing strategies.

While there are investments to make in terms of time and resources, the payoff is significant. Your teams become more self-reliant, your workflow turns efficient, and you get to rule the narrative about your brand across platforms.

Don't just walk—run towards implementing a DAM system. The competitive edge it provides is just too good to pass up for your business.


Legal and Finance Teams

Here's why the move to a DAM solution could be monumental for your CFO and legal counsel:

Single Source of Truth: With everyone using the DAM, there's no more guesswork about asset origins or usage rights. Everything is well-documented, streamlining your operation.

Due Diligence and Legal Protection: Errors can be costly, both in time and potential litigation. A DAM allows you to demonstrate full organizational compliance with copyright laws, significantly lowering the risk of legal issues.

Timesaving: Think about the hours spent tracking down assets, verifying their usage rights, or making apologies for inadvertent errors. Those days are behind you. Your CFO can now focus on more strategic tasks.

Certification Support: When it comes to meeting ISO standards or other certifications, a documented, auditable process can be a boon. That's something you can proudly share on your website, adding to your business's credibility.

Still on the fence, remember that a DAM isn't just a luxury—it's a necessity for modern operations. Talk to your finance and legal teams about how a DAM could streamline their responsibilities while safeguarding the company.

Once you get that DAM solution in, it’s benefits will far outweigh the initial investment, from saving countless hours to providing a solid legal safeguard. Implementing a DAM could very well be one of the most impactful business decisions you make this year.  

IT Departments

Listen up! If your IT department is perpetually bogged down by network limitations and security concerns, it's time to put that Digital Asset Management (DAM) solution in.


Let's elaborate on why this can be revolutionary for your IT team:

  1. Cost-Efficiency: Say goodbye to frequent network upgrades. A cloud-based DAM solution essentially 'outsources' the heavy lifting of file storage and sharing to a third-party provider, significantly reducing your capital expenditures.


  1. Seamless Operations: Opting for a cloud SaaS solution hosted on platforms like Amazon means that the content never really passes through your network, saving you on bandwidth and maintenance costs.


  1. Security Confidence: A top-notch DAM provider is fortified with security credentials that most in-house teams could only dream of achieving. Features like SOC 2 and ISO certifications can be leveraged to elevate your own security posture and credentials.


  1. Predictable Budgeting: With an annual subscription model, your IT costs become predictable. No surprises, just a straightforward line item that pays for itself in operational efficiency.

A DAM system is not just a nice-to-have; it's a smart, long-term investment that adds value across your organization. The cost savings, coupled with enhanced security and efficiency, make it a compelling option.

In a business landscape where agility and security are king, DAM emerges as a win-win solution for IT departments. Not only does it free up valuable resources, but it also fortifies your enterprise in a way that few other tools can.

Making the leap to a DAM system could very well be the technological turning point your business has been waiting for.

Canto for small business

Canto was built for small teams as a scalable, cost-efficient digital asset management solution. Canto offers core DAM functionality, including:

  • Single source of truth for all your digital assets, such as photos, videos, audios, templates, Adobe creative files, presentations, pdfs, etc.
  • Advanced search features
  • Nicely organised files with thumbnail display
  • Added metadata and tags
  • Brand portals for specific projects, external partners, departments
  • Asset level team collaboration
  • Version control
  • Digital rights management (DRM)
  • Streamlined asset sharing
  • Asset analytics
  • Integrations with other popular workflow and project management platforms
  • Advanced security protocols

Canto ease of use

In 2019, 95% of our customers named ease of use as nr 1 most important feature in their DAM. Canto is proud to be one the most user-friendly DAM solutions around. With its intuitive, simple interface the navigation is a breeze.


Customer experience

databasics have been Canto’s partner in Australia and New Zealand for nearly 30 years. Our only focus is providing the best possible customer experience to our Canto customers.

Prouding ourselves as DAM experts with over 30 years DAM experience, we offer DAM consultations, 100% personalised Canto DAM onboarding and Hands-on customer service.

We will assist you throughout your DAM journey from start to finish. 100% dedication to our customers is what will set us apart from the rest of Australian DAM vendors. Choose databasics. Schedule your free consultation now.

Canto price

Many small businesses are cost-conscious, looking for best budget-friendly options. As mentioned above, Canto was designed for small teams. That includes its pricing model. You pay for what you need. Scale as you grow.

Canto’s digital asset management software pricing model is based on amount of storage needed and the number of admin users. If you are in Australia or New Zealand, reach out to databasics and we will get you the best price, only available through us.

See if Canto is the right DAM for your small business

After your team has outgrown Dropbox and Google Drive, it is time to look at a suitable DAM solution – one that is user friendly and intuitive, a solution that will streamline your workflows, ensure brand consistency, adhere to regulatory requirements, and empower your teams.

Canto is considered the pioneer/ inventor of DAM with their flagship on-premise solution Cumulus, later introducing the Canto cloud DAM – named - Canto, solution that has now been their focus for the last 10 years.

Investing in a DAM system is not just a cost but a strategic business decision. It can substantially improve operational efficiency, compliance, and even provide insights into your digital assets' ROI.

Don't wait, explore your DAM options today and redefine how your organisation manages its digital assets. Reach out to databasics to schedule a DAM consultation.

Best way to know is to try for yourself. 

Try Canto for free.