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How do you get people’s attention during holiday season? Talk about movies! Most people love movies. So do I. Here are 10 classic movie lines that...

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Since Canto (Flight) first took flight in 2015 there have been constant improvements, updates and new features added. Last year we looked back at the

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There are a few things to think about when trying to migrate data from one digital asset management system to another. You want to ensure that...

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*Please note: as of May 22, Flight is now Canto. All references to Flight in this article refer to Canto.

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Why is user adoption important?

Simply said – ROI, improved productivity, and streamlined workflow. If users are not using the solution – no one is!

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Digital asset management (DAM) has become an important part of an organisation’s content management strategy. The requirements for DAM go far beyond...

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*Please note: as of May 22, Flight is now Canto. All references to Flight in this article refer to Canto.

Again Canto has delivered some cool and...

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*Please note: as of May 22, Flight is now Canto. All references to Flight in this article refer to Canto.

In our opinion, one of the most...

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The new DataBasics Asset Request Solution (DARS) provides a facility for external users to order selected assets from Cumulus through Portals and...

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*Please note: as of May 22, Flight is now Canto. All references to Flight in this article refer to Canto.

The new Flight LHR release offers some...

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