Canto DAM features
manage all your media - with no duplicates
Work through a single interface to arrange your digital files with unlimited folders or albums and even assign the same asset to multiple places without creating copies or duplicates.

access and search - wicked fast
Filter search results by file type, keywords, tags, upload date, original uploader and file size to zoom in on the results you want. Add Keywords to provide a controlled vocabulary to ensure the correct metadata is entered – add Tags to enable searching with unique descriptors and identifiers.

be social and share - but stay in control of your brand
Share large media files fast with non-Canto users through secure links, directly to social media or through public or private portals. Set expiration dates for sensitive information. Provide on-demand access publicly or through password-protected portals, each with its own unique branding and user permissions.

access and usage control
be in charge of your brand identity
Set user roles and permissions to control who has access to what content. Apply watermarks and Terms & Conditions, and have copyright information at your fingertips.

better lifecycle tracking, collaboration and approvals
Socially comment on files and subsequently notify tagged users of new files or actions that may need to be taken – get approvals through quickly and simply. Version history is maintained with the ability to track the lifecycle of assets.

advanced video management
powerful extras to create and share video content
Besides the basic video management in Canto, you have advanced time-saving options to create, manage and share high-quality video content, such as Smart Tags, Facial Recognition, auto captioning, embedding.

Media Delivery Cloud (MDC)
store it once. display it everywhere
Publish your assets in the main library directly to eCommerce, print, display and web platforms. Deliver images in real time at a global scale — reducing duplicate work between creative and web teams, eliminating the need to store duplicate assets, and optimising web load times.